Almost all of us would agree that the Indian educational system doesn't make any sense, and also Indian students have among the highest suicidal rates in the world. But what is the problem and how can it be solved? There has been a lot of research on the suicidal-rates of western teenagers, but not much research is done about the mental stress of young people of India, what's more surprising is that even we teenagers turn a blind eye towards our very OWN problems.

Not only towards teenagers, a blind eye is turned towards the mental health problems in our country, as if it does not exist. Really? mental health isn't serious? It doesn't exist?

I am sure that most of you have seen it, that whenever the news of suicide of a very bright or an ordinary child comes up on tv; most of our parents' reaction is, " How come these little children are committing suicides? They should be happy now, they don't have to worry". It's right that we have become more independent than our parents were. We have become less obedient than our parents were, but that doesn't mean that it makes us happy, or we aren't depressed. It's true that we don't have to worry about earning our bread or think about how to fund our education, but when we see our parents coming home from work just so that we can live lavishly, it actually does make us think that maybe we could do something more for our parents. And, this 'more' is marks for most of us. Now everyone is not gifted with a good brain or the dedication to work hard, now that does make life frustrating. Now, in most middle-class families you are even told that you are burning money and most importantly not respecting your parents' hard-work to make you educated.

Most of us can not even open up to our parents about our lives, how we are doing in life (not only in school, mind you). most of our parents are conservative,and they they look at our world through their perspective. We can't ask them about how THEY felt when they were of our age because as I stated that they are conservative and also most of us are afraid of them even though how hard we try to act that we are not. The peer pressure, the opinions of society and other causes like parental violence, divorce of his/her parents and rows between parents. Now many of you might think that most of teenagers act more depressed than we really are, and so you might say the same as well for me; but, I can tell you from my own experience, that parental violence does make you feel depressed, or may I put it, feel detached from the world, and what's more frustrating is that you have to put on a smile even though you're sad because you are a teenager. Also, them comparing you with others does't help the situation though.

Now the only solution is to make people, most importantly our loved ones to be aware of the situation. If we don't admit it or turn a blind eye towards it, it'll not gonna help; instead it might worsen the situation.

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