
Showing posts with the label bodyshaming sucks


Did you ever stop and think about how often we are told to change our appearance?  Magazines constantly offer tips about how to lose weight “in days,” appear slimmer “instantly,” and hide our “imperfections”… without actually knowing anything about us, much less our appearance.  This is one example of body-shaming, and it is everywhere.  Sitcoms so frequently use overweight characters’ bodies as the basis of many of the show’s jokes.  It has become the norm to criticize aspects of our bodies as some type of bonding experience with friends – if we all hate our bodies; it somehow makes us feel connected and united.  Body-shaming (criticizing yourself or others because of some aspect of physical appearance) can lead to a vicious cycle of judgment and criticism.  Messages from the media and from each other often imply that we  should  want to change, that we  should  care about looking slimmer, smaller, and tanner.  And if we don’t, we worry that we are at risk of being the target of

One antibodyshaming voice !

All that glitters is not gold,  Many a times have we heard that told...! But do you realize it's the gold that's forever chosen? It's price and shine being the only reason...! ' . How many times have we bullied a person for their colour , for their deformities, for the things, they cry about just because you find it ugly...! . That girl you called 'dark' is right now scared to look at her own self...that boy you called 'fat' has skipped meals  today...and that kid you called 'useless' is probably waiting to slit down his own wrist...! . Stop body shaming not because they're feeling bad about them being a laughing stock...stop body shaming because one day karma is gonna hunt you down and break you up, piece by piece...And that's for sure...! . I have faced #bodyshaming , and if you have too, blog out your story with us! #oneboldstepatatime  #antibodyshaming  #mystory TO CONTACT US USE THE FOLLOWING:       EMAIL US: teen.opinion