why you should profess ur feelings to ur crush? part -1 (my crush- the beginning)

Having had no response to my call to be ur voice or an issue anyone asked me to blog about , I decided to choose a topic that would intrigue many of my fellow teens.I would be lying if i told you that this wasn't based on events on my personal life.....obviously by just reading the title you would have guessed what i want to talk to you about in one word "FIRST CRUSH". The very same person by the mention of whose name our hearts would melt ,butterflies would fly in our stomach,a red blush would appear on our faces,and so one.They could have many names might be 'y' for me ,might be 'x' for u but the emotions or reactions would be the same.Even biologically specking it is estimated that it takes a estimated 86sec of eye contact for 'love in first site' which is basically the time for the secretion for pleasure hormone secretion....to much science to explain . But the real concern is what next,many teens resort to stalking which all of us do ...