The need for representatives

S o, to give a back story of why i decided to write this specific blog, this is an issue that has bothered me for quite some time now from 9th grade to be more specific even though now this issue will not have a huge affect on my own life per say but after having read about the new education policy in India i was intrigued whether they have finally realized this issue . Even though the new education policy is quite good but I didn't find any thing which indicated the issue which I am going to talk about being addressed ,so keeping this in mind I wanted to see if others too felt that this issue that I am referring to is a issue or not or whether I was just overly head thinking this was an issue so, I took a poll on one of our social media account the vote had a respectable response from the target audience I wanted to research out to with each of them having one vote I got to know that even in this small group thought there were some who were skeptical about the issue and some d...