Career dilema:THE 'C' WORD (PART -1)
One of the most common question most of us are asked across childhood by our elders is "what do u want to be when u become older?"at that time it is quiet easy for us to reply that we would either have a career as scientist,policeman(my standard reply for 1st grade),Superman (if ur a marvel fan Spiderman),Barbie(that was one time people,one time)along side a wide array of both real and pretend careers.
But as we get older , we are presented with almost a new life, our knowledge begins to shape our aspirations( I personally stopped dreaming about a career as santa clause because I didn't want to live in the North pole)
basically for most of us our career choices change,they tend to be much more realistic as we get older,the whole career spectrum changes based on the knowledge we take in.Obviously at some point of time we finally are able to decide what we want to do with our life's.Some get acquainted with this knowledge early on in their life and others they trying to figure out what the want to do of their life as we speak.
But no one can actually know for certain whether their point plan in life will hold in the future,but at least a good number of people have decided definitely what they want to be.This isn't the case with everyone though for most of us our career plan change every year just like our age .With new options emerging, quiet frankly it is difficult to pin point one career option as 'the one'.
A lot of factors affect our career choice ranging scope to opportunity, but one factor that that affects our choice the most is what stream one chooses after the completion of 10th grade as the person enters from school onto college.Sooo many options right commerce,science,arts,Psychology(for people who have seen 'the mentalist',etc and even after one chooses the stream one cannot breath a sigh of relief because each stream also has ta tha da!!!!!!! .......... different combinations. put the P to the C ,to the M to the B its PCMB(the combination in science for the Future Doctor saheebs of the world) once the people hear the word PCMB they imagine u as a doctor with a stethoscope around ur neck ,irrespetive of the fact that that may not be what u want to take as a career.The weird thing to concentrate here besides my spelling is that almost everyone u know will associate ur career and pay based on the cource and combination u pick .....
"Ah.....! PCMC pacha software engineer :
base salary 35k + pm
severance package
MNC job
Love marriage
Bangalore it job
unlimited bragging by parents
work from home
too much stress
partyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! 🤑😜)
this is what people have in mind as ur perfect career based on ur combination but they forget to put within that is ur more likely to be depressed about ur job.
without even taking into account what u want to do in future or why ur perceiving the stream in the first place ,like annoying 5 sec adds on youtube people begin to give their opinion on how u can perceive a pre set career path.In majority of cases these suggestions of preset careers are what we take up even if it isn't what we want to do.It feels like as if we were born with a tag what we would be in the future most commonly which branch of engineering we chose.The sad truth is normally we don't chose the path we want or wish to follow .But, our marks and parents do....."oh! ur good at maths ah!......80+, so which stream of engineering have u chosen " this is normally what response most of the people around us get one's their Board marks are out, it is saddening that our marks are what tend to decide our career path rather than our aspiration
Rarely do we even see cases where a parent allows us to have a opinion
until, now i personally haven't seen any parent allow their child who has cored 90+ marks in board to take an Arts major.but its not only our parents who can stand in our way of choosing a career tailor made for us. Before i get into 'How a person should chose a career path'.I would like to bring forward reasons that what prevent's them from doing so ,on a normal basis.
But as we get older , we are presented with almost a new life, our knowledge begins to shape our aspirations( I personally stopped dreaming about a career as santa clause because I didn't want to live in the North pole)
basically for most of us our career choices change,they tend to be much more realistic as we get older,the whole career spectrum changes based on the knowledge we take in.Obviously at some point of time we finally are able to decide what we want to do with our life's.Some get acquainted with this knowledge early on in their life and others they trying to figure out what the want to do of their life as we speak.
But no one can actually know for certain whether their point plan in life will hold in the future,but at least a good number of people have decided definitely what they want to be.This isn't the case with everyone though for most of us our career plan change every year just like our age .With new options emerging, quiet frankly it is difficult to pin point one career option as 'the one'.
A lot of factors affect our career choice ranging scope to opportunity, but one factor that that affects our choice the most is what stream one chooses after the completion of 10th grade as the person enters from school onto college.Sooo many options right commerce,science,arts,Psychology(for people who have seen 'the mentalist',etc and even after one chooses the stream one cannot breath a sigh of relief because each stream also has ta tha da!!!!!!! .......... different combinations. put the P to the C ,to the M to the B its PCMB(the combination in science for the Future Doctor saheebs of the world) once the people hear the word PCMB they imagine u as a doctor with a stethoscope around ur neck ,irrespetive of the fact that that may not be what u want to take as a career.The weird thing to concentrate here besides my spelling is that almost everyone u know will associate ur career and pay based on the cource and combination u pick .....
"Ah.....! PCMC pacha software engineer :
base salary 35k + pm
severance package
MNC job
Love marriage
Bangalore it job
unlimited bragging by parents
work from home
too much stress
partyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! 🤑😜)
this is what people have in mind as ur perfect career based on ur combination but they forget to put within that is ur more likely to be depressed about ur job.
without even taking into account what u want to do in future or why ur perceiving the stream in the first place ,like annoying 5 sec adds on youtube people begin to give their opinion on how u can perceive a pre set career path.In majority of cases these suggestions of preset careers are what we take up even if it isn't what we want to do.It feels like as if we were born with a tag what we would be in the future most commonly which branch of engineering we chose.The sad truth is normally we don't chose the path we want or wish to follow .But, our marks and parents do....."oh! ur good at maths ah!......80+, so which stream of engineering have u chosen " this is normally what response most of the people around us get one's their Board marks are out, it is saddening that our marks are what tend to decide our career path rather than our aspiration
Rarely do we even see cases where a parent allows us to have a opinion
until, now i personally haven't seen any parent allow their child who has cored 90+ marks in board to take an Arts major.but its not only our parents who can stand in our way of choosing a career tailor made for us. Before i get into 'How a person should chose a career path'.I would like to bring forward reasons that what prevent's them from doing so ,on a normal basis.
- BLINDLY DOING WHAT UR PARENTS WANT YOU TO DO: our parents ,our very first teachers .From time eternal children have been thought that they should honor their parents decision ,But I ask yourselves this in respect to ur career do u really want ur parents to be steering a boat that starts is journey from ur teen and goes upto ur retirement.You do realise the fact that YOLO s shouldn't you have a say in what you want to do for a good duration of ur life.Some of you might be thinking what crap i am saying , while the other half of you might be thinking whether i understand them in terms of parents suppressing their realistic dreams for a career.
So as you guys are in doubt rather than referencing others life let me talk about my own experience, so i completed 10th boards with a good enough percentage of 85 + ,which would have been a much better no if my parents would have initially allow me to chose my second language( i did lose most of my marks in that my second language) i am the first kid in my family so i feel like a testube for a very long time and their action convince me of this fact.So as i was saying , so i hadn't yet come to an conclusion what I wanted my career to be at that time and was still deciding , I scored 90+ in subjects such as science, social and computer and was in love with math from time eternal too.....who knew this would affect my life in the way that it did.So before i continue let me talk to u about my parents , so both my parents are engineers
,they are also those type of parents who tell these words to other parents and i quote:
" We have given them the freedom to chose what they want to do with their life,what ever they chose we would be by them if they do it with conviction"
if only these words were true, what people don't know about them is the fact that they themselves ( my mom especially ) don't fancy their own jobs even though they are using their engineer status at some very well reputed companies. Anytime i tell my parents what i want to become this is their statement
"First you get a engineering degree ,after that u can perceive what u want when u have a job"
look,i dint have problem with engineering but it isn't something i would like to dedicate my very time or effort to,i want to learn skills so that i dont have to get a 9-5 job but am able to do what i am interested in.The sad part is they don't even bother to consider the facts not everyone who is in a coaching classes(yes, they made me join one without even talking to me about it) has the same level of dedication especially if they are doing this for the sake of their parent.
(P.S. if u feel ur parents are the only parents that don't support ur dreams remember this i am writing and researching for this blog for u guys, without their knowledge at 3 am . If my mom gets to know about this i don't think i will be able to continue to write these blogs ever again,to conclude they are Hypocrites)😥😢😭
you might even ask me this question "WHY DO THEY DO THIS?"
let me try to give u a best possible answer .Realize this first i am not saying what ur parents or mine are saying is completely wrong they want us to not follow passion initially because according to them it dosn't earn us a living.For some cases they are correct you cant dream about having a franchise without a investment, but in a majority of cases they are wrong about this lets take the example of
ENGINEERING for now what parents don't realize is that engineering is no longer what it used to be,initially all our graduates were IITians now about 1% of students go to an IIT
,at one time the number of engineers in demand where almost equal to those in supply .now that is not the case about 80% of the engineers don't like their work in these too about 80% are unemployable due to various reason ranging from communication skills to other categories ,even the demand in India is declining (this was mainly highlighted when about 70% of applications submitted for the job of a municipality worker was from engineers and MBA)
also, contemplate on this fact when ur processing data u have always been manipulated by ur parents ur whole life without u not even realizing it so for them this is just a habit.If u see with respect to the human timeline the process of one choosing a job that is different from that chosen by their parents is relatively new only gained prominence in the last 200 years or so,so in a kind of way we can consider it as a evolution in human behavior trait so reverting back seems a little demeaning .Sadly there traits have been mostly seen in developed countries and such things can be associated with background and mind set of families too.
One must always ask themselves are they really free.
Majority of the Indian work force (in which we don't consider the elite 1 % of the population) work based on what is known as 'family work script' these are family specific plans conjured in the minds of members prominent members of the family (in some cases these work out well but in majority cases they don't)
the problem with his method is that the member of the family would only lead u to occupation they know about and since there are mew careers being born daily or other successful career which they may not notice may not even be considered . SO, if u fancy a job in cryptocurrency management good luck explaining that to ur engineer parents.
another thing that is a buzz kill is the fact that families and community show hostility towards different careers.This can be based on anything ,I am pretty sure if ur a guy and put forward the idea of being a nurse first thing u would hear would be laughter.
In India a career except that of a few preset options such as engineer ,Doctor,Accountant, are considered low by many.Some times our parents don't allow us to do so as they failed in their ambitions.
I would have to say try to find a solution ,one that fulfills their desire and also ur passion
- one way to do it is keep ur formal education as what ur parents have chosen for u but find institutions where u would have resources and time to follow or work towards your passion, a great number of people have been able to do this Notable mentions would be Ragendra Rathore, Ravichandra ashwin)
- Prove to ur parents that what u have chosen as ur career can both act as ur passion and also help you get a living a good example of this is one of India's most Acclaimed cricket personalities Ms Dhoni
- Learn the skills needed for ur passion before u enter an institution for further studies and use that skill to prove that what passion u have can outweigh what u can learn in a Collage and when u earn enough resources you can then consider dropping the course selected by ur parent( used by many programmers or independent app developers)
- This is some thing that will pose you a challenge but will be extremely rewarding qualify get a degree and then when u get a 9-5 job add a side hustle work on it until it becomes ur main job.
i my self have taken appropriate steps so i advice u to take these steps mentioned below.
There are two absolutely stupid routes many people take
- Drop out off college . I have heard many people use the example of MR. Mark Zuckerberg to justify this action of theirs firstly ,consider this,he didn't drop out of any college he dropped out of Harvard which already shows a good no of u that he was capable of doing what he wanted.Secondly,he dropped out when he found out that it was better for him to work on a already set up Facebook.
- Second is contemplating suicide , I don't know how stupid u have to be to even think about this what is considered a crime sadly about 20 kids suicide everyday in India because of the pressure of pursuing someone else's passion 'the case of the 17 year old girl suicide because she got through to IIT the stupidest of them all' a case in Kota . Remember this u still have time .A dead person can build a career.
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