why you should profess ur feelings to ur crush? part -1 (my crush- the beginning)
Having had no response to my call to be ur voice or an issue anyone asked me to blog about , I decided to choose a topic that would intrigue many of my fellow teens.I would be lying if i told you that this wasn't based on events on my personal life.....obviously by just reading the title you would have guessed what i want to talk to you about in one word "FIRST CRUSH".
The very same person by the mention of whose name our hearts would melt ,butterflies would fly in our stomach,a red blush would appear on our faces,and so one.They could have many names might be 'y' for me ,might be 'x' for u but the emotions or reactions would be the same.Even biologically specking it is estimated that it takes a estimated 86sec of eye contact for 'love in first site' which is basically the time for the secretion for pleasure hormone secretion....to much science to explain .

But the real concern is what next,many teens resort to stalking which all of us do some mildly and some to the extent of creeping out their counterpart.But, what if i tell u ur next step would be to accept the fact u like them and just profess to them
.I know,I know this is something people conceive as mission impossible .....well, having gone through it ,I can surely tell it is .The difficulty level = having to go through mission impossible as Humpty dumpty - u can crack at any time.
So, what makes me an expert in this topic you may ask.
Well not only do i have first hand experience in helping my classmates ,but have also experienced it at a personal level too.
Since i want to be ur voice, u surely are entitled to know my first experience and why i ,personally advice u to propose him/her.
so my story begins when i was in the 9 th grade ,i still remember our first interaction as if it was just yesterday.
Well back then i was a introvert with very low esteem, a person who had been bullied for as long as i can remember , a nerd who would only voice his opinion at debates for the fear of i dont know what,being someone who was constantly called 'ugly' did do a good amount of damage to my social life and adding to that was the fact that many of the 'cool, popular kids' had entered their' Face phase' where the people of opposite gender would only interact based on looks had made my life more miscerable i know this i s too much info about me but trust me it is highly relevant to my story
The girl whom i liked i could say was truly amazing , that's what i still feel after 5 years too , obviously wouldn't bother u with to much details about he but only layout some important ones she was one of the popular kids for starters ...i know , i know now u would consider that my liking towards her was for this fact alone , u would be terribly mistaken ( as, during that time i used to like many of ur despise the popular kids like many of us do), she was pretty to may be not the prettiest girl i have ever seen but lets phase it it all girls are very pretty especially compared to their male counter parts..i am sorry about that i am diverting from the topic again. But the reason i fell for her is not superficial like these but some thing else.
So, it was a normal day i was getting slain at school by both students and teachers alike , but being a nerd has many have called me the torture was less from the teachers and more by the popular kids who wold use me on a normal bases to humiliate me to display their strength to impress others P.S. the girls( which for some reason did worked out well for them and detrimental for me).So my first encounter with the person 'whom even after 5 years consider 'the one'' came to me during an assignment we had together being a nerd that i was , i was obviously wanted in most of the groups so that they could dump the work on me ..so i ended up in a strange assortment of people we called a team people who normally cared less if i was dead or alive . So u might be expecting our first ever encounter to be a fairy tale one I would suppose ,but it didn't our first encounter was a fight obviously a verbal one ( don't worry it didn't involve any foul words, i knew better than to piss of a popular kid) now that i think about it i feel the fight was a unnecessary one it was over the pronunciation of the word of the word' colonel' , a unnecessary argument indeed but my debating nature wouldn't allow me to stop and she had this like passionate driving force steering her ... the teacher had to be involved to stop it , the way it ended was even funnier.
but this was indeed a wonderful even none the less, for some reason that day wasn't that bad after all, i slept that day smiling instead of my normal routine of thinking there is no meaning to my life....
Some how this was a defining event where i me this strong minded individual who had a fighting spirit and could defend her self without being afraid of what would happen if they speak out and in a cruel way this encounter was maybe the first ever time a girl had spoken to me openly or asked me about something that wasn't a request for me to lend something of mine.
obviously, i know this is way too much to process and this story of mine is way to big to fit into a single blog ...........so, with a heavy heart i would have to make a part two blog about my proposal and why it thought me i 'why everyone should profess their feelings to their crush '
( but if u intent to learn more about how our first fight resolved
EMAIL ME: teen.opinion0@gmail.com
EMAIL ME: teen.opinion0@gmail.com
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